Wow! 100 Years old Grandma's Long live because like playing games

Edinburgh - A grandmother in Scotland celebrates the 100th anniversary and reveal the secrets of longevity. The grandmother admitted penchant for portable gaming consoles, the Nintendo DS, making the mind stay active so young.

The grandmother, Kathleen Connell chose to spend his time for 2 hours a day to play games that sharpen the brain in his Nintendo DS Lite. This is of course very different from what most other grandparents.

Kit, call Kathleen familiar, celebrating the birthday-100 on Friday (27 / 1) then. At the age of even a century, the kit can still living independently in Thornliebank, East Renfrewshire, apart from his son.

One grandchild grandmother was deeply fond of playing the Nintendo game called 'Brain Trainer'. According to these brain teasers, mental age actually Kit that is 64 years old, the same as the age of his daughter, Pam. Wow!

"It's really super. I do not feel older than 80 years. I'm trying to make my brain stay active by playing Nintendo. I do not know what I would do without it," said Kit as reported by the Daily Mail, Wednesday (31 / 1 / 2012).

Retired kit that is able to live alone even though both of his legs had been amputated. He spends his days painting on the computer or playing puzzle.

"I'm going to play in the afternoon, then I rest a little and drank tea, and then I'll be back playing Nintendo. If there is not a good television show, I would sit for 1 or 2 hours to play games. I will do brain teasers and I probably will also learn to paint, "he said.

"I can not say much about this Nintendo. However, this helps my brain as actively as possible at my age. If there is secrets of longevity, I think it is to think positive and keep your mind active," added the grandmother of this vibrant .

The child, Pam Stewart reported that the craze started when his mother gave him a Nintendo prize anniversary date of the Kit-96. Since then, the Kit also seemed addicted to playing Nintendo. In fact, he bought a new one since Nintendo first damaged. Pam's own mother was amazed by the skill to play Nintendo.

"I am very proud of him, with how to remain active for many years. I bought (Nintendo-red.) about 6 years ago and now he already has many types of games. That is of course still make it smart," said Pam.


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